WD 1145+017 Data Group Averages for #10
Bruce L. Gary, Last Updated 2023.05.08, 23 UT

This web page was taken from http://www.brucegary.net/zombie10/ in order to streamline that page.

Phase-folded Light Curves for Date Groups  

Since our SNR isn't sufficient for ruling out the presence of dips (at the 1 % depth level, for example) the following phase-folded LCs for observing session groups (of only "a few" days) will be our best product for assessing the presence or absence of dip activity.

Mar 25 - 27

Mar 03

The 2nd dip is really not detected.

Mar 03

Group Feb 27,28

Group Jan 25-27 

Group Jan 20-22

Adopted dip model fit for a LC for 3-day observing interval showing candidate dips and their statistical significance (sigma) and contribution to dip activity (EW).

Phase-fold LC for a 3-day observing interval showing two possible dips .

Group Dec 20 - 31

Phase-fold LC after combining all data for 4 days (5 observing session data sets) of the current group of observing sessions (using the A-system ephemeris).

Phase-fold LC after combining all data for the first 10 days of the first group of observing sessions (using the A-system ephemeris).

This LC shows no dips (> 1 %) when data are combined on the assumption that any dips that are present belong to the A-system (4.49126 hrs) and that they persist for the duration of the 10-day observing interval.

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